Customize Algolia

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The default Algolia app configuration is similar to the default Spryker search configuration. You might want to customize that configuration.

Searchable attributes


Searchable attributes configuration defines the attributes used to find results while searching with a search query.

Default fields for searchable attributes are the following:

  • sku
  • product_abstract_sku
  • name
  • abstract_name
  • category
  • description
  • keywords
  • attributes.brand

Add and remove searchable attributes

  1. In Algolia Dashboard, go to Search > Index.
  2. Open the Algolia indices list and find all primary indices.
  3. On the Configuration tab, select Searchable attributes.
  4. In the Searchable attributes list, add and remove needed searchable attributes.
  5. Click Review and save settings. This opens the Review and save settings window.
  6. Enable Copy these settings to other indices and/or replicas and click Save settings.

Send additional fields to Algolia

You can add additional data to exported products using the pre-configured searchMetadata field on ProductConcrete and ProductAbstract transfers.

Filling in the searchMetadata field

There’re multiple ways of adding search metadata. This section shows how to implement ProductConcreteExpanderPlugin as an example.

Create a new plugin implementing ProductConcreteExpanderPluginInterface. To add needed metadata to ProductConcrete transfers, you can add any logic inside that plugin’s expand method:

use Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Communication\AbstractPlugin;  
use Spryker\Zed\ProductExtension\Dependency\Plugin\ProductConcreteExpanderPluginInterface;

class SearchMetadataExampleProductConcreteExpanderPlugin extends AbstractPlugin implements ProductConcreteExpanderPluginInterface  
     * @param array<\Generated\Shared\Transfer\ProductConcreteTransfer> $productConcreteTransfers  
     * @return array<\Generated\Shared\Transfer\ProductConcreteTransfer>  
    public function expand(array $productConcreteTransfers): array  
        foreach ($productConcreteTransfers as $productConcreteTransfer)
            $productConcreteTransfer->addSearchMetadata('isBestseller', true);
            // ...
            // OR
            // ...
            $searchMetadata = [
                'isBestseller' => true,
                'popularity' => 100,


        return $productConcreteTransfers;
Associative array

The searchMetadata field must be an associative array. Allowed values are all scalars and arrays.

Using searchMetadata field in Algolia

Algolia product object searchMetadata field is a simple object that can be used in any index configuration just like any other field.



Facets configuration defines the attributes used for search faceting.

Default attributes for faceting are as follows:

  • attributes.brand
  • attributes.color
  • category
  • label
  • prices
  • rating
  • Only for marketplaces: merchant_name

The prices attribute is an object with nested fields. Algolia creates facets for each nested field and creates facets for all the currencies and pricing modes available in product entities.

Facet configuration

Algolia uses facets for categorizing and grouping data.

Facet display

All configured index facets are displayed in the list of filter on Yves or via Glue API /catalog-search. Algolia app supports the renderingContent feature, which can be found in an index “Configuration > Facet display”. Here you can configure the order of facets and add only for end-users relevant facets.

In the Merchandising > Filter Preferences of the Back Office, you can configure define the filter types to be displayed on the Catalog and Search pages: single-select, multi-select, or range. By default, the multi-select type is set for all facets provided by Algolia.


Attributes defined as searchable may be used while calling Algolia’s searchForFacetValues method, which can be used for the Storefront integration. This method is necessary to display catalog page facets if many values are possible for each facet—in this case, only 100 of those values are displayed by default. Accessing other values requires searching for them using the searchForFacetValues method. Select this option if you plan on having a large number of different values for this facet, and if you use the Spryker Storefront.

Filter only

Attributes defined as filters only are not used for aggregation and can only be used to narrow down search result lists. This approach can be used with attributes for which aggregated counts are not important.

Glue API search response

Setting an attribute as filter only prevents it from showing in the facets list in the Glue API search response.

Not searchable

This is the default option. This facet configuration enables aggregation of search results by facet values. The searchForFacetValues method can’t be used with facets configured this way. Use this option with third-party frontends or if you have limited facet values.

After distinct

By default, facet aggregation is calculated after search results for a given query are processed by deduplication or grouping process. Disabling this option changes the calculation method for facet aggregation for the given field. We don’t recomment disabling it.

Filter preferences with Algolia app

When used with the Algolia app, Algolia’s facets configuration is used instead of that of Spryker.

In Algolia, you can configure the list of filters in Configuration > Facet display.

Setting any Algolia facet to filter only mode removes it from the list of visible filters.

Add new attributes for faceting

  1. In the side pane, go to Search > Index.
  2. Find all primary indices.
  3. On the Configuration tab, select Facets.
  4. To adjust the Attributes for faceting list, add and remove attributes.
  5. Click Review and save settings. This opens the Review and save settings window.
  6. Enable Copy these settings to other indices and/or replicas and click Save Settings.

Custom ranking and sorting


Algolia’s Ranking and sorting configuration determines which products can be shown before others when customers search your catalog. Learn more about Custom Ranking and Sorting in the Algolia documentation.

Retain Algolia configuration after a destructive deployment

[Destructive deployment]( permanently deletes the configuration of Algolia.

To run a destructive deployment, follow the steps:

  1. Disconnect Algolia.
  2. Run a destructive deployment.
  3. Reconnect Algolia.