Editing product variants

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This article describes how to update the product variant added during the abstract product setup. The described procedure is also valid for an existing product variant.


To start working with product variants, go to Catalog > Products.

The procedure you are going to perform is very similar to the procedure described in the Creating a product variant article. For details, see Creating a product variant.

Review the reference information before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.

Editing a product variant

To edit a product variant:

  1. Navigate to the Edit Concrete Product page using one of the following paths:

    • Products > View in the Actions column for a specific abstract product > scroll down to the Variants tab > Edit in the Actions column for a specific product variant.
    • Products > Edit in the Actions column for a specific abstract product Variants tab > Edit in the Actions column for a specific product variant.
  2. On the Edit Concrete Product page, update the following tabs:

    1. General tab: populate name and description, valid from and to dates, make the product searchable by selecting the Searchable checkbox for the appropriate locale (or all locales).
    2. Price & Stock tab: define the default/original, gross/net prices, and stock.

    The prices for the variant are inherited from the abstract product so you will see the same values as you have entered while creating the abstract product. B2B: The merchant relation prices are inherited by Product Variants as well.

    1. Image tab: define the image(s), image set(s), and the image order for you product variant.
    2. Assign bundled products tab: this tab is used in case you need to create a product bundle. See Creating Product Bundles for details.
    3. Discontinue tab: This tab is used in case you want to discontinue the product. See Discontinuing a Product to know more.
    4. Product Alternatives tab: This tab is used to define the product alternatives for the product. See Adding Product Alternatives to know more.
    5. Scheduled Prices tab: here you can only review scheduled prices imported via a CSV file if any. The actual import is done in Prices > Scheduled Prices.
  3. Click Save.

Reference information: Editing a product variant

This section describes the attributes you enter and select when creating a product variant.

General tab

Store relation Defines the store for which the product can be available.
You can select multiple values.
No No
SKU Prefix A number that you assign to the product will help to track unique information related to that product. Yes Display Only
Autogenerate SKU Allows the system to autogenerate the SKU once you click Save. Yes No
Super Attributes This section is only available if you have added more than one super attribute and defined more than one value for it.
E.g. if you selected the color to be a super attribute and defined green, white, and black, you will see “color” in this section and a drop-down with the colors you defined.
Only one value can be selected.
Yes No
Name The name of your product that will be displayed in the online store for your customers. Yes
Description The description of the product that your customer sees in the online store. Yes Yes
Searchable A checkbox that defines if the concrete product can be searched via the Search function in the online store. If not selected, no values will be displayed when searching for this product. Yes Yes
Valid from
Valid to
Defines the period of time when the product is in active state. The Valid from date triggers the activation, while the Valid to date triggers the deactivation. Either no dates can be selected, or both. Yes Yes

Price & Stock tab

Use prices from abstract product Once the checkbox is selected, the prices from the abstract product are taken over. Yes No
Merchant Price Dimension B2B Only
The drop-down list that allows you to select a merchant relation and set up a specific price for a specific merchant.
If the Default value is selected, the prices will be the same for everyone.
The values available for selection derive from Merchants > Merchant Relations.
Only one value can be selected.
Yes Yes
Gross price
Net price
The price value for gross and net mode.
For concrete products, the prices are inherited from their abstract product and can be updated while editing the concrete product.
Yes Yes
Default prices are the prices your customers will pay, whereas original prices are the “previous prices” in case you want to display promotions. If you specify only a default price, it will be displayed just like a normal product price. However, if both prices are specified, the original one will appear crossed out in the shop. Yes Yes
Add Product Volume Price
Edit Product Volume Price
Once selected, the Add volume price (Edit volume price) page opens. This option allows you to define specific prices for a specific quantity of products that a customer selects. Works only in case of Default prices.
Add Product Volume Price appears only when the price for a currency was set up and saved.
Edit Product Volume Price appears only what the volume price was already set up for a currency.
No Yes
(Stock) Type Display-only field that displays warehouses according to your store Yes Yes
(Stock) Quantity The number of items available in the warehouse. Yes Yes
(Stock) Never out of stock The check-box that once selected will make the product always available to be purchased. Yes Yes

Image tab

Image Set Name The name of your image set. Yes Yes
Small The link of the image that is going to be used in the product catalogs. Yes Yes
Large The link to the image that is going to be used on the product details page. Yes Yes
Sort Order If you add several images to an active image set, specify the order in which they are to be shown in the front end and back end using Sort Order fields. The order of images is defined by the order of entered numbers where the image set with sort order “0” is the first to be shown. Yes Yes

Assign bundled products tab

On this tab, you see a table with the concrete products that you can select to be included in a bundle of a specific variant. If you do need to create a bundle, do not select the values and skip the tab.

Discontinue tab

Available on the Edit page only. Once you select to discontinue the product, you can add a note about that on this tab.

Product Alternatives tab

The only field available is Add Product Alternative by Name or SKU. Here it’s enough to enter three characters of a product name or SKU to see the autosuggested product list. From one to many values can be selected. If there is no need to set up an alternative product, you can skip this tab.

Scheduled Prices tab

On this tab, you see a table with the scheduled prices imported via a CSV file. The following information is available:

  • Currency, store, net, and gross price values.
  • Start from (included) and Finish at (included) values that identify a period of time when a specific price is going to be set for a product automatically.

What’s next?
Following the same steps, you will update all variants that you have added to your abstract product.

You may also want to add more product variants. Learn how you do that by navigating to Creating a product variant.