Marketplace Merchant Custom Prices feature: Domain model and relationships
Edit on GitHubThe Marketplace Merchant Custom Prices feature allows merchants to define custom prices for specific business units of B2B customers via the Merchant Portal Product Price UI.
Module dependency graph
The following diagram illustrates the dependencies between the modules for the Marketplace Merchant Custom Prices feature.
PriceProduct | Provides functionality related to product prices, price persistence and current price resolvers per currency/price mode. |
PriceProductMerchantRelationship | Provides the database schema and the required plugins for specific product prices per merchant relationship. |
PriceProductMerchantRelationshipMerchantPortalGui | Provides components for managing price product merchant relationships. |
ProductMerchantPortalGui | Provides components for managing marketplace products. |
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Domain model
The following schema illustrates the Marketplace Merchant Custom Prices domain model:
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