Create scheduled prices
Edit on GitHubThis topic describes how to create scheduled prices.
For example, you want to set up a promotion for Valentine’s Day beforehand so that:
- You do not have to switch prices manually on the day of the promotion.
- Prices switch to the specified ones automatically on the starting date of the promotion.
- Prices switch back automatically on the last day of the promotion.
Instead of changing prices manually on the starting day of the promotion, you can create a price schedule called–for example, Valentine’s day prices. To do that, you need to import a file with predefined dates and prices.
To start working with scheduled prices, go to Catalog > Scheduled Prices.
Review the reference information before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.
Creating scheduled prices
To create a price schedule:
- Create a CSV file with predefined product price schedules.
- Enter and select the attributes for your price schedule.
- Click Choose File and select the file you’ve prepared in step 1.
- Click Import your CSV file.
- Once redirected to the Import dry run page, check whether there are incorrect entries in your file in the Errors found inside your file section.
If needed, you can edit the imported scheduled prices
Check if the successfully imported price schedules are correct in the Row processed with success section.
If you are satisfied with the results, in the Publish the scheduled prices section, click Publish to apply the price schedules.
Tips and tricks
- If you leave the Import dry run page without publishing the imported price schedules, they do not get deleted. However, you won’t be able to return to that page unless you import the file once again.
- You can check the current price schedules of each product in the Products section > the Edit Product page > the Scheduled Prices tab.
Reference information: Creating scheduled prices
This section describes the attributes you see, select, and enter when creating scheduled prices.
In the Import new scheduled prices section, you see the following:
- A link to the page where the format of the file with price schedules is described.
- The Schedule name field.
- The Choose file button.
- The button for importing price schedules from the selected file. In the Scheduled prices imported section, you see the following:
Import ID | Numeric identifier of a scheduled price import. |
Name | Alphabetic identifier of a scheduled price import. |
Imported by and on the | Back office user who imported the list and the time of the import. |
Status | Import status: draft (scheduled prices are imported but not applied) or published (scheduled prices are imported and applied). |
Number of prices | Number of scheduled prices in an imported list. |
Number of products | Number of products which have scheduled prices assigned to them in an imported list. |
Actions | Set of actions that you can do with an import. |
Scheduled Prices: Import dry run page
The Scheduled Prices: Import dry run page is divided into four sections.
- Dry run of your import. In this section, you see the following:
- Link to the page where the format of the file with price schedules is described
- Schedule name
- File selection button
- The button for importing price schedules from the selected file
- Publish the scheduled price. In this section you see the following:
- The button for publishing the price schedules that have been imported successfully.
- Errors found inside your file. In this section you see the following:
- Row number and the error related to that row.
- Row processed with success. In this section you see the following:
- Price schedule ID, SKU’s of the abstract and concrete products to which the price schedule belongs.
- Store to which the product with the price schedule belongs.
- Currency in which the price schedule is specified.
- Price type of the price schedule and values for gross and net mode.
- Starting and ending dates of the price schedule.
Scheduled Prices: Import dry run page attributes
Schedule name | Name of the list of price product schedules which you have just imported. |
Select your CSV file | Here, you can select the file with price product schedules which you want to re-import. It is used in case you want to correct or change some of the schedules you have imported. Learn about file format in File details: product_price_schedule.csv. |
Row n° | Numeric identifier of a price schedule entry in the list of price schedules. |
Error | Describes why a particular price schedule has not been imported. |
ID | Numeric identifier of price schedule. |
abstract_sku | Identifier of the abstract product to which price schedule is assigned. |
concrete_sku | Identifier of the concrete product to which price schedule is assigned. |
store | Store relation of the product to which price schedule is assigned. |
currency | Currency in which price schedule is defined. |
price_type | Price type in which price schedule is defined: DEFAULT or ORIGINAL. |
value_net | Net value of product defined by the price schedule |
value_gross | Gross value of product defined by the price schedule. |
from_included | Date on which the price specified by the price schedule gets applied. |
to_included | Date on which the price specified by the price schedule gets reverted back. |
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