Multiple currencies per store configuration

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In a Spryker-based shop, you can define multiple currencies per store for product, product option, and shipping method. A product can, for example, cost 5 EUR in Germany, 6 EUR in France and 5 CHF in Switzerland. Your customers may easily choose between these different currencies.

All prices on the Product Page and in the Cart are adjusted automatically upon changing the currency.

Products for which you did not define a price in a specific currency do not appear in the catalog for that currency.

This article describes how you can configure multiple currencies for your project.

Currency module

The Currency module provides an easy way to retrieve information about a currency given as an ISO code.

The methods in CurrencyFacade always returns an instance of the CurrencyTransfer. You can get any currency by its ISO code or the current configured currency.


CurrencyFacade exposes the following methods:

  • CurrencyFacade::fromIsoCode()
  • CurrencyFacade::getCurrent()

The methods defined in the CurrencyFacade return an instance of the CurrencyTransfer, that contains:

  • currency ISO code e.g. EUR
  • currency name e.g. Euro
  • currency symbol e.g. €

In addition, CurrencyTransfer contains information that specifies if it’s the default currency or not. CurrencyTransfer::$isDefault can be used to check if currency that was retrieved by CurrencyFacade::fromIsoCode() is the same as the one configured as default for the current store.

From currency version 3, we have introduced currency table where currencies are persisted. Also, currency facade provides API to read this data.


Check the Curency migration guide to migrate to the latest module version.

We have also introduced a currency switcher to Yves. To use it, do the following:

  1. Add the \SprykerShop\Yves\CurrencyWidget\Widget\CurrencyWidget to your \Pyz\Yves\ShopApplication\ShopApplicationDependencyProvider::getGlobalWidgets() method. With this switcher, we have introduced a new extension point to act when currency is changed. Implement "\Spryker\Yves\Currency\Dependency\CurrencyPostChangePluginInterface" in your custom plugin, place it to "\Pyz\Yves\Currency\CurrencyDependencyProvider::getCurrencyPostChangePlugins" and get notified when currency is changed.

  2. Register in Yves RouterDependencyProvider:


namespace Pyz\Yves\Router;

class RouterDependencyProvider extends SprykerRouterDependencyProvider
     * @return \Spryker\Yves\RouterExtension\Dependency\Plugin\RouteProviderPluginInterface[]
    protected function getRouteProvider(): array
        return [
            // ...
            new CurrencyWidgetRouteProviderPlugin($isSsl),
            // ...
  1. Create template in "/Pyz/Yves/Currency/Theme/default/partial/currency_switcher.twig":
{% if currencies|length > 1 %}
    <form method="GET" action="{{ path('currency-switch') }}" data-component="currency-switch">
        <select name="currency-iso-code" onchange="this.form.submit()">
        {% for currency in currencies %}
               <option value="{{ currency.code }}" {{ (currency.code == currentCurrency) ? 'selected' : ''}}>{{ | trans }}</option>
        {% endfor %}
        <input type="hidden" name="referrer-url" value="{{ app.request.requestUri }}" />
{% endif %}

In order to get the cart recalculated when currency is switched, you need rebuild quote/recalculate item discounts, prices and other related product data when currency changes. To do that, follow these steps:

  1. Install the new composer require spryker/cart-currency-connector module.
  2. Include plugin \Spryker\Yves\CartCurrencyConnector\CurrencyChange\RebuildCartOnCurrencyChangePlugin to the currency post change plugin stack:

namespace Pyz\Yves\Currency;

use Spryker\Yves\CartCurrencyConnector\CurrencyChange\RebuildCartOnCurrencyChangePlugin;
use Spryker\Yves\Currency\CurrencyDependencyProvider as SprykerCurrencyDependencyProvider;

class CurrencyDependencyProvider extends SprykerCurrencyDependencyProvider
     * @return \Spryker\Yves\Currency\Dependency\CurrencyPostChangePluginInterface[]
    protected function getCurrencyPostChangePlugins()
        return [
            new RebuildCartOnCurrencyChangePlugin(),