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Partner Information


Available since 2017, AfterPay provides invoice solutions as an unitary brand in nine European countries. By integrating into the Spryker Commerce OS AfterPay can now be consumed by all Spryker clients as a cross-border Pay-after-delivery solution. AfterPay depicts local consumer and market requirements as well as simplifies international expansion. AfterPay gives you back control of your customer relationship and takes it to the next level. It provides your customers with all the payment flexibility they want while you stay in charge of and extend the branded checkout experience. And it sharpens your competitive edge by sharing their purchasing data with you, so you know who your best customers are and how to retarget them.


Make your brand stand out Extend the branded customer journey beyond checkout. AfterPay keeps your brand in the spotlight and strengthens your customer relationships.

  • Unique hero images in every invoice strengthen your brand and campaign messaging
  • Add product images that remind your customers of the great deal they got and the joy it gives them
  • The entire payment process becomes a way of extending your brand, both in the MyAfterPay portal and emails

Keep the joy of shopping alive Happy customers buy more. AfterPay hands them control of their payments, giving them an overview of their purchases and the security to spend more.

  • Customers have a complete overview of their entire purchase history at their fingertips, with all the information they need
  • Knowing what you have bought and from whom makes paying easier and reduces the need to call customer service
  • The ability to control when and how to pay lets customers balance payments with their finances

Use your payment data to drive sales Unlike other pay-after-delivery providers we keep you informed of your customers’ payment behaviour, providing you with insights and intelligence that fit your digital ecosystem.

  • AfterPay is integrated with Google Analytics, allowing you to use your insights into payment behaviour in your digital marketing and sales analysis
  • Segment and retarget your best customers based on their payment behaviour
  • Easy access to refund data lets you segment customers after net sales together with their payment behaviour

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For further information on this partner and integration into Spryker, please contact us.