Interact with third party payment providers using Glue API

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This tutorial shows how to invoke third parties in the API payment process.

The checkout process of Spryker Glue API can be leveraged to involve third parties in the process of order confirmation. This can be required, for example, when the method of payment selected by the user requires additional steps to complete the purchase. These can include but are not limited to card validation or processing a bank transfer.

To invoke third parties in the API payment process, proceed with the steps in the following sections:

1. Create a new module

To implement third-party interactions, first create a new module or extend an existing one. Let us create one on the Project level. The module needs to interact with two layers of Spryker Commerce OS: Glue (API) and Zed (backend). Thus, you need to create the following folders for the MyModule module:

  • src/Pyz/Glue/MyModule
  • src/Pyz/Zed/MyModule

The module needs to implement two plugins:

  • A plugin that maps the response of the /checkout API endpoint and fills it with the necessary attributes.

The redirectUrl and isExternalRedirect attributes are auto-mapped out of the box. If necessary, you can add your own attributes. For example, if a payment system requires a vendor ID for order confirmation, you can create a separate attribute to pass the ID to the API Client.

  • A plugin to process the response of the payment service provider. The overall interaction diagram between Glue API, the API Client, and the third party is as follows:


2. Implement the Checkout response mapper plugin

First, implement a plugin that maps the checkout response and fills it with the necessary redirect URL and other attributes that are mapped. To do so, create a plugin file on the Glue layer: src/Pyz/Glue/MyModule/Plugin/CheckoutRestApi/CheckoutResponseMapperPlugin.php.

The plugin must implement CheckoutResponseMapperPluginInterface. Using the mapRestCheckoutResponseTransferToRestCheckoutResponseAttributesTransfer function of the interface, you can set the redirect URL and specify whether it’s an internal or external redirect.

Sample implementation


namespace Pyz\Glue\MyModule\Plugin\CheckoutRestApi;

use Generated\Shared\Transfer\RestCheckoutResponseAttributesTransfer;
use Generated\Shared\Transfer\RestCheckoutResponseTransfer;
use Spryker\Glue\CheckoutRestApiExtension\Dependency\Plugin\CheckoutResponseMapperPluginInterface;
use Spryker\Glue\Kernel\AbstractPlugin;

class CheckoutResponseMapperPlugin extends AbstractPlugin implements CheckoutResponseMapperPluginInterface
     * @param \Generated\Shared\Transfer\RestCheckoutResponseTransfer $restCheckoutResponseTransfer
     * @param \Generated\Shared\Transfer\RestCheckoutResponseAttributesTransfer $restCheckoutResponseAttributesTransfer
     * @return \Generated\Shared\Transfer\RestCheckoutResponseAttributesTransfer
    public function mapRestCheckoutResponseTransferToRestCheckoutResponseAttributesTransfer(
        RestCheckoutResponseTransfer $restCheckoutResponseTransfer,
        RestCheckoutResponseAttributesTransfer $restCheckoutResponseAttributesTransfer
    ): RestCheckoutResponseAttributesTransfer {


        return $restCheckoutResponseAttributesTransfer;

3. Implement payload processor plugin

After a user completes payment verification, the payment service provider submits a payload containing the relevant payment information. The payload is submitted by the API client to the /order-payments endpoint.

To process the data, we need to implement another plugin on the Zed layer. The plugin updates the payment information in the database. Create a plugin file as follows: src/Pyz/Zed/MyModule/Communication/Plugin/OrderPaymentsRestApi/OrderPaymentUpdaterPlugin.php.

The plugin must extend the OrderPaymentUpdaterPluginInterface and implement the following two functions:

  • isAppplicable: This function determines whether a specific payment is processed by the plugin. The function returns true if the payment must be processed; otherwise, it returns false.
  • updateOrderPayment: This function updates the payment data in the database.

To help you understand which payments need to be processed, you can use the optional paymentIdentifier field in POST requests to the /order-payments endpoint. To make sure it’s always present in a request, you may require the API client to set the field to a specific value to invoke your payment plugin. The value of the field can be retrieved using the getPaymentIdentifier helper function.

For details, see Update payment data.

Sample implementation

namespace Pyz\Zed\MyModule\Communication\Plugin\OrderPaymentsRestApi;

use Generated\Shared\Transfer\UpdateOrderPaymentRequestTransfer;
use Generated\Shared\Transfer\UpdateOrderPaymentResponseTransfer;
use Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Communication\AbstractPlugin;
use Spryker\Zed\OrderPaymentsRestApiExtension\Dependency\Plugin\OrderPaymentUpdaterPluginInterface;

class OrderPaymentUpdaterPlugin extends AbstractPlugin implements OrderPaymentUpdaterPluginInterface
     * @param \Generated\Shared\Transfer\UpdateOrderPaymentRequestTransfer $updateOrderPaymentRequestTransfer
     * @return bool
    public function isApplicable(UpdateOrderPaymentRequestTransfer $updateOrderPaymentRequestTransfer): bool
        if ($updateOrderPaymentRequestTransfer->getPaymentIdentifier()) {
            return true;

        return false;

     * @param \Generated\Shared\Transfer\UpdateOrderPaymentRequestTransfer $updateOrderPaymentRequestTransfer
     * @return \Generated\Shared\Transfer\UpdateOrderPaymentResponseTransfer
    public function updateOrderPayment(UpdateOrderPaymentRequestTransfer $updateOrderPaymentRequestTransfer): UpdateOrderPaymentResponseTransfer
        $payload = $updateOrderPaymentRequestTransfer->getDataPayload();

        return (new UpdateOrderPaymentResponseTransfer())

4. Wire the plugins

Wire the plugins so that they can be invoked during checkout. The Checkout Response Mapper Plugin needs to be registered in \Pyz\Glue\CheckoutRestApi\CheckoutRestApiDependencyProvider::getCheckoutResponseMapperPlugins():

     * @return \Spryker\Glue\CheckoutRestApiExtension\Dependency\Plugin\CheckoutResponseMapperPluginInterface[]
    protected function getCheckoutResponseMapperPlugins(): array
        return [
            new CheckoutResponseMapperPlugin

The Payment Processor Plugin is registered in \Spryker\Zed\OrderPaymentsRestApi\OrderPaymentsRestApiDependencyProvider::getOrderPaymentUpdaterPlugins()

     * @return \Spryker\Zed\OrderPaymentsRestApiExtension\Dependency\Plugin\OrderPaymentUpdaterPluginInterface[]
    protected function getOrderPaymentUpdaterPlugins(): array
        return [
            new OrderPaymentUpdaterPlugin

After wiring the plugins, the response of the /checkout endpoint contains a correct redirect URL, and the /order-payments endpoint processes payloads received from the payment provider. Try accessing the endpoints to verify that the plugins process the data.