Upgrade the Payment module

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Upgrading from version 4.* to version 5.0.0

In this new version of the Payment module, we have added support of the payment method per store. You can find more details about the changes on the Payment module release page.

Estimated migration time: 15 min

To upgrade to the new version of the module, do the following:

  1. Upgrade the Payment module to the new version:
composer require spryker/payment:"^5.0.0" --update-with-dependencies
  1. Prepare database entity schema for each store in the system:
APPLICATION_STORE=DE console propel:schema:copy
APPLICATION_STORE=US console propel:schema:copy
  1. Run the database migration:
console propel:install
console transfer:generate
  1. The SalesPaymentMethodTypeInstallerPlugin plugin was removed, please use PaymentDataImport module instead.
  2. The PaymentConfig::getSalesPaymentMethodTypes() config method was removed, please use the PaymentDataImport module instead.

Upgrading from version 3.* to version 4.*

In the Payment module version 4 we have added new payment tables to store order payment related information. To enable the new version:

  1. Composer update spryker/payment to new version.
  2. Run vendor/bin/console transfer:generate to generate new transfer objects.
  3. Insert new sales payment tables by executing the following queries:
CREATE SEQUENCE spy_sales_payment_pk_seq;
CREATE TABLE spy_sales_payment
    id_sales_payment INTEGER NOT NULL,
    fk_sales_order INTEGER NOT NULL,
    fk_sales_payment_method_type INTEGER NOT NULL,
    amount INTEGER NOT NULL,
    created_at TIMESTAMP,
    updated_at TIMESTAMP,
    PRIMARY KEY (id_sales_payment)
CREATE SEQUENCE spy_sales_payment_method_type_pk_seq;
CREATE TABLE spy_sales_payment_method_type
    id_sales_payment_method_type INTEGER NOT NULL,
    payment_provider VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    payment_method VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (id_sales_payment_method_type)
CREATE INDEX spy_sales_payment_method_type-type ON spy_sales_payment_method_type (payment_provider,payment_method);
ALTER TABLE spy_sales_payment ADD CONSTRAINT spy_sales_payment-fk_sales_order
    FOREIGN KEY (fk_sales_order)
    REFERENCES spy_sales_order (id_sales_order);
ALTER TABLE spy_sales_payment ADD CONSTRAINT spy_sales_payment-fk_sales_payment_method_type
    FOREIGN KEY (fk_sales_payment_method_type)
    REFERENCES spy_sales_payment_method_type (id_sales_payment_method_type);

You should now be able to see that the new order saved payment information into the spy_sales_payment table.

You may also want to enable the new plugin \Spryker\Zed\Payment\Communication\Plugin\Sales\PaymentOrderHydratePlugin by adding it to \Pyz\Zed\Sales\SalesDependencyProvider::getOrderHydrationPlugins.

This enables new payment provider hydration plugins which are hydrated to OrderTransfer.