Onboard to Stripe in the Merchant Portal

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For merchants to to be redirected to the Merchant Portal portal from third-party websites, make sure that, in the web server public folder of your Merchant Portal, there is a redirect.php file: /public/MerchantPortal/redirect.php.

To onboard to Stripe as a merchant, follow the steps:

  1. In the Merchant Portal, go to Payment Settings.
  2. On the Payment Settings page, click Start Onboarding. This opens Stripe’s onboarding page
  3. To complete the onboarding, follow the prompts to fill in merchant information. Once you finish onboarding, the Payment Settings page is opened. Stripe needs to approve your onboarding request before you can start using it. You can check the status of onboarding in the Stripe dashboard.

Stripe onboarding statuses

  • Pending: The Merchant started the onboarding process but did not complete it.
  • Enabled: The Merchant completed the onboarding process and is ready to receive payments.
  • Restricted: Additional data from the Merchant are required. When not updated the payouts will be paused after some period of time.
  • Restricted Soon: Additional data from the Merchant are required. When not updated the payouts will be paused in the near future.
  • Pending: The Merchant onboarding is not completed and must be finalized.
  • Rejected: The Merchant onboarding was rejected and need to contact you to clarify the issue.