Merchant Opening Hours feature overview

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To provide maximum selling activity, merchants can provide their working schedule, by defining the opening hours on weekdays, holidays and exceptional cases.

A merchant has the following:

  • Default opening hours—defined per weekday and time including:

    • Lunch break time
    • Open/Closed state
  • Special opening hours are relevant for cases:

    • Merchant is opened on a usually closed day—for example, Sunday.
    • Merchant has different opening hours in comparison to a normal schedule—for example, December 31 has shorter opening hours.
  • Public holidays—special days when the Merchant is not available because of the public holidays

To display merchant opening hours on the Storefront, you should import the open hours information. For information about how to do that, see File details: merchant_open_hours_date_schedule.csv and File details: merchant_open_hours_week_day_schedule.csv.

Install the Merchant Opening Hours feature Retrieve profile information for a merchant File details: merchant_open_hours_week_day_schedule.csv
Glue API: Merchant Opening Hours integration Retrieve merchant opening hours File details: merchant_open_hours_date_schedule.csv