Manage merchant account details and settings

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This document describes how to manage merchant user account details in the Merchant Portal.


To start working with the merchant user’s account, go to Merchant Portal > My account.

To open the My account page, in the top right corner of the Merchant Portal, click the user icon and then click My account.

Some sections contain reference information. Make sure to review it before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.

Changing personal details

To update the personal details, on the My account page, in the Personal Details section, update the necessary fields and click Save.

Changing the email address

To update the merchant user email address, on the My account page, in the Email section, change the email address and click Save.

Changing the password for the Merchant Portal

To update the password for the Merchant Portal:

  1. On the My account page, in the Password section, click Change Password. The Change Password drawer opens.
  2. In the Current password field, the current password.
  3. In the New password field, enter the new password.
  4. To confirm the change, in the Repeat new password field, enter the new password.
  5. Click Save.

Tips and tricks

Click on the show/hide password icon in the corresponding password field to double-check that you entered the right information.

Reference information: Changing the password for the Merchant Portal

On the Change password drawer, you see the following attributes:

Current password Field to enter the current password.
New password Field to enter the new password for the Merchant Portal user account.
Repeat new password Field to confirm the new password.

Changing the interface language for the Merchant Portal

To change the interface language of the Merchant Portal, on My account page, in the Language section, select the necessary language and click Save.

Reference information

This section describes attributes you see when performing the following actions:

  • Accessing My account in the Merchant Portal.
  • Changing the personal details.
  • Changing the email address.
  • Changing the interface language for the Merchant Portal.

My account page

The following table describes the attributes on the My account page:

Personal Details First name First name of the merchant user.
Personal Details Last name Last name of the merchant user.
Email Email field Email address of the merchant user.
Password Change password Opens Change password drawer.
Language Language drop-down menu Drop-down menu to select the interface language of the Merchant Portal.