Install the Merchant Portal

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Environment requirements:

  • Node.js version 18 or higher.
  • npm version 9 or higher.
  • Spryker supported PHP version 8.0
  • Host for Zed application

Application requirement: Install the Marketplace Merchant Portal Core feature.

Install frontend dependencies

$ npm install

Build frontend

$ npm run mp:build

For production:

$ npm run mp:build:production

Install feature backend

Install the needed packages for the Merchant Portal with dependencies. For available list, in the Spryker Git Hub repository, search for merchant-portal-gui.

Spryker Core 202410.0 Install the Spryker Core feature
Marketplace Merchant Portal Core 202410.0 Install the Marketplace Merchant Portal Core feature

Create and connect Merchant Portal users

  1. Create Merchant Portal users using the Back Office; or, if you need users out of the box, add them to \Pyz\Zed\User\UserConfig::getInstallerUsers(). Example:



namespace Pyz\Zed\User;

use Spryker\Zed\User\UserConfig as SprykerUserConfig;

class UserConfig extends SprykerUserConfig
     * @return array
    public function getInstallerUsers()
        return [
                'firstName' => 'Michele',
                'lastName' => 'Nemeth',
                'password' => 'change123',
                'username' => '',
  1. Connect users and merchants using using the Back Office or the following data import:


sony-experts,MER000006,Sony Experts,HYY 134306,approved,,1,/de/merchant/sony-experts,/en/merchant/sony-experts
  1. To integrate merchant user data import, follow Install the Marketplace Merchant feature.

  2. Import merchant user data using the following example:


  1. Import data:
console data:import merchant
console data:import merchant-user

3) Adjust the ACL

By default, all newly created merchants and merchant users automatically have a group, role, and segment with autogenerated names based on MerchantName, MerchantUserName, and MerchantPortalKey.

  1. Adjust AclConfig to configure access to Merchant Portal’s *-merchant-portal-gui pages:
  • Give access to merchant users
  • Optional: Deny access for admin roles

To check the available list of packages for the Merchant Portal, in the Spryker GitHub repository, search for merchant-portal-gui.


namespace Pyz\Zed\Acl;

use Generated\Shared\Transfer\AclEntityRuleTransfer;
use Generated\Shared\Transfer\RuleTransfer;
use Spryker\Shared\Acl\AclConstants;
use Spryker\Zed\Acl\AclConfig as SprykerAclConfig;

class AclConfig extends SprykerAclConfig
     * @var string
    protected const RULE_TYPE_DENY = 'deny';

     * @return array
    public function getInstallerRules()
        $installerRules = parent::getInstallerRules();
        $installerRules = $this->addMerchantPortalInstallerRules($installerRules);

        return $installerRules;

     * @param array<array<string>> $installerRules
     * @return array<array<string>>
    protected function addMerchantPortalInstallerRules(array $installerRules): array
        $bundleNames = [

        foreach ($bundleNames as $bundleName) {
            $installerRules[] = [
                'bundle' => $bundleName,
                'controller' => AclConstants::VALIDATOR_WILDCARD,
                'action' => AclConstants::VALIDATOR_WILDCARD,
                'type' => static::RULE_TYPE_DENY,
                'role' => AclConstants::ROOT_ROLE,

        return $installerRules;

     * @return array
    public function getInstallerUsers()
        return [
            '' => [],
            //this is related to existent username and will be searched into the database
  1. Create users with ACL rules:
console setup:init-db

Extend ACL entity metadata configuration

As an example of extending the AclEntityMetadata configuration, you can use the AclEntityDummyProduct module.

Install the module:

composer require spryker/acl-entity-dummy-product:"^0.2.0" --update-with-dependencies

For an example of the AclEntityMetadataCollection configuration, use \Spryker\Zed\AclEntityDummyProduct\Communication\DummyProductAclEntityMetadataConfigExpanderPlugin:

     namespace Pyz\Zed\AclEntity;

     use Spryker\Zed\Acl\AclDependencyProvider as SprykerAclDependencyProvider;
     use Spryker\Zed\AclEntityDummyProduct\Communication\DummyProductAclEntityMetadataConfigExpanderPlugin;

     class AclEntityDependencyProvider extends SprykerAclEntityDependencyProvider
          * @return array<\Spryker\Zed\AclEntityExtension\Dependency\Plugin\AclEntityMetadataConfigExpanderPluginInterface>
          protected function getAclEntityMetadataCollectionExpanderPlugins(): array
              return [
                  new DummyProductAclEntityMetadataConfigExpanderPlugin(),

4) Adjust Merchant Portal navigation

  1. To configure the Merchant Portal sidebar, add the installed MP GUI modules to config/Zed/navigation-main-merchant-portal.xml.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <title>Merchant Dashboard</title>
                <label>Create Offer</label>
                <title>Create Offer</title>
  1. Build the navigation cache:
console navigation:build-cache

Make sure the following applies:

  • The Merchant Portal navigation contains all configured items.
  • Clicking the configured navigation items opens respective pages.
  • In \Pyz\Zed\ZedNavigation\ZedNavigationDependencyProvider, \Spryker\Zed\Acl\Communication\Plugin\Navigation\AclNavigationItemCollectionFilterPlugin is enabled:

namespace Pyz\Zed\ZedNavigation;

use Spryker\Zed\Acl\Communication\Plugin\Navigation\AclNavigationItemCollectionFilterPlugin;
use Spryker\Zed\ZedNavigation\ZedNavigationDependencyProvider as SprykerZedNavigationDependencyProvider;

class ZedNavigationDependencyProvider extends SprykerZedNavigationDependencyProvider
     * @return array<\Spryker\Zed\ZedNavigationExtension\Dependency\Plugin\NavigationItemCollectionFilterPluginInterface>
    protected function getNavigationItemCollectionFilterPlugins(): array
        return [
            new AclNavigationItemCollectionFilterPlugin(),

5) Configure firewalls for a dedicated Merchant Portal login

  1. Upgrade to Symfony 5.

  2. Install the required modules using Composer:

composer remove spryker/auth spryker/auth-mail-connector spryker/auth-mail-connector-extension spryker/authentication-merchant-portal-gui
  1. Install the required modules using Composer:
composer require spryker/security-gui:"^1.0.0" spryker/security-merchant-portal-gui:"^1.0.0" spryker/security-system-user:"^1.0.0" spryker/user-password-reset:"^1.0.0" spryker/user-password-reset-extension:"^1.0.0" spryker/user-password-reset-mail:"^1.0.0" --update-with-dependencies
  1. Update the following modules to the latest minor versions:
Application vendor/spryker/application
MerchantUser vendor/spryker/merchant-user
Security vendor/spryker/security
Session vendor/spryker/session
User vendor/spryker/user
ZedUi vendor/spryker/zed-ui
  1. To integrate the project related code required for Merchant Portal user login, apply the changes from MR-222 nonsplit to split merge.
  1. Go to Make sure the following login page is displayed:

Merchant Portal login

  1. Log in. This opens the dashboard. Make sure the navigation contains the items you’ve configured:

Merchant Portal dashboard

Integrate the following related features:

Merchant Portal - Marketplace Merchant Install the Merchant Portal - Marketplace Merchant feature
Merchant Portal - Marketplace Product Install the Merchant Portal - Marketplace Product feature
Merchant Portal - Marketplace Order Management Install the Merchant Portal - Marketplace Order Management feature
Merchant Portal - Marketplace Merchant Portal Product Offer Management + Merchant Portal Order Management Install the Merchant Portal - Marketplace Merchant Portal Product Offer Management + Merchant Portal Order Management feature
Merchant Portal - Marketplace Product + Inventory Management Merchant Portal - Install the Marketplace Product + Inventory Management feature
Merchant Portal - Marketplace Product Options Management Merchant Portal - Marketplace Product Options Management integration
Merchant Portal - Marketplace Product + Tax Install the Merchant Portal - Marketplace Product + Tax feature