Glue API: Manage customer addresses

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This endpoints allows retrieving and edit customer addresses.


For details on the modules that provide the API functionality and how to install them, see Glue API: Customer Access Feature Integration.

Add an address

To add an address to a customer, send the request:

POST /customers/{{customer_id}}/addresses

{{customer_id}} Unique identifier of the customer to add the address to. To get it, Retrieve customers or Create a customer.


Request sample: add an address


  "data" : {
     "type": "addresses",
     "attributes": {
            "customer_reference": "DE--1",
            "salutation": "Mr",
            "firstName": "Spencor",
            "lastName": "Hopkin",
            "address1": "Third, 33, 11",
            "address2": "b",
            "address3": "aaa",
            "zipCode": "12312",
            "city": "Berlin",
            "country": "Germany",
            "iso2Code" : "DE",
            "phone": "22111-3-4-5",
            "isDefaultShipping": false,
            "isDefaultBilling": false
customer_reference String Unique identifier of the customer to add the address to. To get it, Retrieve customers or Create a customer
salutation String Salutation to use when addressing the customer.
firstName String Customer’s first name.
lastName String Customer’s last name.
address1 String The first line of the customer’s address.
address2 String The second line of the customer’s address.
address3 String The third line of the customer’s address.
zipCode String ZIP code.
city String Specifies the city.
country String Specifies the country.
iso2Code String Specifies an ISO 2 Country Code to use.
company String Customer’s company.
phone String Customer’s phone number.
isDefaultShipping Boolean Specifies whether the address should be used as the default shipping address of the customer. If the parameter is not set, the default value is true.
isDefaultBilling Boolean Specifies whether the address should be used as the default billing address of the customer. If the parameter is not set, the default value is true.


Response sample: add an address
    "data": {
        "type": "addresses",
        "id": "5caa05f5-41f5-5e6c-a254-07d7887fb4e9",
        "attributes": {
            "salutation": "Mr",
            "firstName": "Spencor",
            "lastName": "Hopkin",
            "address1": "Third, 33, 11",
            "address2": "b",
            "address3": "aaa",
            "zipCode": "12312",
            "city": "Berlin",
            "country": "Germany",
            "iso2Code": "DE",
            "company": null,
            "phone": "22111-3-4-5",
            "isDefaultShipping": false,
            "isDefaultBilling": false
        "links": {
            "self": ""

addresses salutation String Salutation to use when addressing to the customer.
addresses firstName String Customer’s first name.
addresses lastName String Customer’s last name.
addresses address1 String The 1st line of the customer’s address.
addresses address2 String The 2nd line of the customer’s address.
addresses address3 String The 3rd line of the customer’s address.
addresses zipCode String ZIP code.
addresses city String Specifies the city.
addresses country String Specifies the country.
addresses iso2Code Specifies an ISO 2 Country Code to use.
addresses company String Specifies the customer’s company.
addresses phone String Specifies the customer’s phone number.
addresses isDefaultShipping Boolean Specifies whether the address should be used as the default shipping address of the customer. If the parameter is not set, the default value is true. This is also the case for the first address to be saved.
addresses isDefaultBilling Boolean Specifies whether the address should be used as the default billing address of the customer. If the parameter is not set, the default value is true. This is also the case for the first address to be saved.

Edit an address

To edit an address, send the request:

PATCH /customers/{{customer_id}}/addresses/{{address_id}}

{{customer_id}} Unique identifier of the customer to edit the address of. Create a customer to get it.
{{address_id}} Unique identifier of the address to edit. Add an address to get it.


Request sample: edit an address


Request sample body
salutation String Salutation to use when addressing the customer.
firstName String Customer’s first name.
lastName String Customer’s last name.
address1 String The first line of the customer’s address.
address2 String The second line of the customer’s address.
address3 String The third line of the customer’s address.
zipCode String ZIP code.
city String Specifies the city.
country String Specifies the country.
iso2Code String Specifies an ISO 2 Country Code to use.
company String Specifies the customer’s company.
phone String Specifies the customer’s phone number.
isDefaultShipping Boolean Specifies whether the address should be used as the default shipping address of the customer. If the parameter is not set, the default value is true. This is also the case for the first address to be saved.
isDefaultBilling Boolean Specifies whether the address should be used as the default billing address of the customer. If the parameter is not set, the default value is true. This is also the case for the first address to be saved.


Response sample: edit an address
		"data": {
			"type": "addresses",
			"id": 3a6ee102-007f-5245-aaec-af5b6e05685b,
			"attributes": {
				"salutation": "Mr",
				"firstName": "John",
				"lastName": "Doe",
				"address1": "11 Second Street",
				"address2": "4th Floor",
				"address3": "Suite 555",
				"zipCode": "12312",
				"city": "Berlin",
				"country": "United States",
				"iso2Code": "US",
				"company": null,
				"phone": "22111-3-4-5",
				"isDefaultShipping": false,
				"isDefaultBilling": false
			"links": {
				"self": ""
addresses salutation String Salutation to use when addressing to the customer.
addresses firstName String Customer’s first name.
addresses lastName String Customer’s last name.
addresses address1 String The 1st line of the customer’s address.
addresses address2 String The 2nd line of the customer’s address.
addresses address3 String The 3rd line of the customer’s address.
addresses zipCode String ZIP code.
addresses city String Specifies the city.
addresses country String Specifies the country.
addresses iso2Code Specifies an ISO 2 Country Code to use.
addresses company String Specifies the customer’s company.
addresses phone String Specifies the customer’s phone number.
addresses isDefaultShipping Boolean Specifies whether the address should be used as the default shipping address of the customer. If the parameter is not set, the default value is true. This is also the case for the first address to be saved.
addresses isDefaultBilling Boolean Specifies whether the address should be used as the default billing address of the customer. If the parameter is not set, the default value is true. This is also the case for the first address to be saved.

Retrieve customer’s addresses

To retrieve a list of customer’s addresses, send the request:

GET /customers/{{customer_id}}/addresses

{{customer_id}} Unique identifier of the customer to retrieve the list of. Create a customer to get this id.


Request sample: retrieve customer’s addresses



Response sample: retrieve customer's addresses
			"data": [
					"type": "addresses",
					"id": "3a6ee102-007f-5245-aaec-af5b6e05685b",
					"attributes": {
						"salutation": "Mr",
						"firstName": "Jason",
						"lastName": "Voorhees",
						"address1": "123 Sleep Street",
						"address2": "123",
						"address3": null,
						"zipCode": "12345",
						"city": "Dresden",
						"country": "Germany",
						"iso2Code": "DE",
						"company": null,
						"phone": null,
						"isDefaultShipping": true,
						"isDefaultBilling": true
					"links": {
						"self": ""
					"type": "addresses",
					"id": "5f00ce65-dd64-5b49-ad3c-f5fae475e7e6",
					"attributes": {
						"salutation": "Mr",
						"firstName": "John",
						"lastName": "Doe",
						"address1": "11 Second Street",
						"address2": "4th Floor",
						"address3": "Suite 555",
						"zipCode": "12312",
						"city": "Berlin",
						"country": "United States",
						"iso2Code": "US",
						"company": null,
						"phone": "22111-3-4-5",
						"isDefaultShipping": false,
						"isDefaultBilling": false
					"links": {
						"self": ""
			"links": {
				"self": ""
addresses salutation String Salutation to use when addressing to the customer.
addresses firstName String Customer’s first name.
addresses lastName String Customer’s last name.
addresses address1 String The 1st line of the customer’s address.
addresses address2 String The 2nd line of the customer’s address.
addresses address3 String The 3rd line of the customer’s address.
addresses zipCode String ZIP code.
addresses city String Specifies the city.
addresses country String Specifies the country.
addresses iso2Code Specifies an ISO 2 Country Code to use.
addresses company String Specifies the customer’s company.
addresses phone String Specifies the customer’s phone number.
addresses isDefaultShipping Boolean Specifies whether the address should be used as the default shipping address of the customer. If the parameter is not set, the default value is true. This is also the case for the first address to be saved.
addresses isDefaultBilling Boolean Specifies whether the address should be used as the default billing address of the customer. If the parameter is not set, the default value is true. This is also the case for the first address to be saved.

Retrieve an address

To retrieve an address, send the request:

GET /customers/{{customer_id}}/addresses/{{address_id}}

{{customer_id}} Unique identifier of the customer to retrieve the address of. Create a customer to get it.
{{address_id}} Unique identifier of the address to retrieve. Add an address to get it.


Request sample: retrieve an address



Response sample: retrieve an address
addresses salutation String Salutation to use when addressing to the customer.
addresses firstName String Customer’s first name.
addresses lastName String Customer’s last name.
addresses address1 String The 1st line of the customer’s address.
addresses address2 String The 2nd line of the customer’s address.
addresses address3 String The 3rd line of the customer’s address.
addresses zipCode String ZIP code.
addresses city String Specifies the city.
addresses country String Specifies the country.
addresses iso2Code Specifies an ISO 2 Country Code to use.
addresses company String Specifies the customer’s company.
addresses phone String Specifies the customer’s phone number.
addresses isDefaultShipping Boolean Specifies whether the address should be used as the default shipping address of the customer. If the parameter is not set, the default value is true. This is also the case for the first address to be saved.
addresses isDefaultBilling Boolean Specifies whether the address should be used as the default billing address of the customer. If the parameter is not set, the default value is true. This is also the case for the first address to be saved.

Delete an address

To delete an address, send the request:

DELETE /customers/{{customer_id}}/addresses/{{address_id}}

{{customer_id}} Unique identifier of the customer to delete the address of. Create a customer to get it.
{{address_id}} Unique identifier of the address to delete. Add an address to get it.


Request sample: delete an address



If the address is deleted successfully, the endpoint returns the 204 No Content status code.

Possible errors

001 Access token is invalid.
002 Access token is missing.
402 Customer with the specified ID is not found.
404 Specified address cannot be found.
405 Customer reference is missing.
409 Failed to update an address.
411 Unauthorized request.
412 No address ID provided.
901 One of the following fields is not specified: salutaion, firstName, lastName, city, address1, address2, zipCode, country, iso2Code, isDefaultShipping, isDefaultBilling

To view generic errors that originate from the Glue Application, see Reference information: GlueApplication errors.

Next steps