Merge docs pull requests

Edit on GitHub

This document describes how to merge pull requests (PRs) without a Technical Writer’s review. This should only happen in rare cases, for example—when you need to merge an urgent PR. When you merge a PR without a Technical Writer’s review, it’s your responsibility to make sure the PR is reviewed retrospectively.

This process is available only to architects. To merge a docs PR, take the steps in the following sections.

Add changes

To retain the quality of information architecture in the docs, you can only merge PRs that introduce changes to existing docs. For instructions on adding changes, see Edit the docs locally.

Optional: Review changes locally

When merging without a review, we recommend building the docs locally and checking the updated pages for visual and formatting bugs. If you find any bugs, you must fix them before merging the PR. For instructions on running docs, see Run the docs locally.

Add labels

Add the following labels to the PR:

  • Updated: because you can merge PRs with updated and not new docs.
  • Bypassed TW Review: this lets us track and retrospectively review such PRs.

Fix CI

The CI ensures no bugs or broken links are deployed to the production website. Before you merge a PR, you must wait for the CI checks to finish. If a check is failed, you must fix the error. You can merge a PR when the following checks are successful:

Enforce PR labels / enforce-label Checks for required labels. To learn about the required labels, see Add labels.
CI / Build Checks if the website can be built with your changes.
CI / Page validation Checks for bugs in the pages.
CI / Links validation (check_about) Checks for 404s in the About Spryker section.
CI / Links validation (check_ca) Checks for 404s in the Cloud Administration section.
CI / Links validation (check_pbc) Checks for 404s in the Packaged Business Capabilities section.
CI / Links validation (check_dg) Checks for 404s in the Development Guide section.

Fixing build and page validation

There isn’t any specific pattern to the errors of these checks. When one of these fails, you need to check the details for the specific errors and fix them.

In the context of fixing broken links, you are going to deal with internal and external links. If one of the links validation checks fails, go to the details and check each link individually.

For external links, there is a high chance for false positives. So, when a check fails because of an external link, check if it’s available by accessing the link in your browser. If the page is available, you can consider it a false positive and ignore it. If the link is not available, there are a few things to do:

  • If you know it’s a temporary bug that’s going to be resolved within a few days, ignore the link.
  • If it’s a 404, check if the page is available at another location on the website.
  • If the website is completely down or broken, find an alternative source of information.
  • If the cause of the issue is unclear, and there are no alternative sources of information, comment out or remove the link. Make sure to update the paragraph to retain the context of the information without the link being available.

For fixing internal links, you need to understand their structure:

  • Non-versioned link example: /docs/about/all/about-the-docs/run-the-docs-locally.html.
  • Versioned link example: /docs/dg/dev/frontend-development/202410.0/create-angular-modules.html

If you have a broken link, the easiest way to fix it’s as follows:

  1. Copy the relative path to the target document, starting from docs: docs/dg/dev/frontend-development/202404.0/
  2. Add a slash in the beginning: /docs/dg/dev/frontend-development/202404.0/
  3. Replace .md with .html: /docs/dg/dev/frontend-development/202404.0/create-angular-modules.html.
  4. If it’s a versioned link, replace the version with a version placeholder: /docs/dg/dev/frontend-development//create-angular-modules.html.
  5. Replace the broken link with this new link.

Merge the PR

  1. Select Merge without waiting for requirements to be met (bypass branch protections).
  2. Click Merge pull request.
  3. Click Confirm merge. This merges the branch and starts the deploy to production. The changes will be visible on the website in up to an hour.