Edit product labels

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To start editing product labels, do the following:

  1. Go to Merchandising > Product Labels. This opens the Product Labels page.
  2. Next to the product label you want to edit, click Edit.

Edit the general settings of a product label

  1. Click the Settings tab.
  2. Update any of the following:
    • NAME
  3. Select or clear the IS ACTIVE checkbox.
  4. In the BEHAVIOR pane, update any of the following:
    • VALID TO
  5. Select or clear the IS EXCLUSIVE checkbox.
  6. In the STORE RELATION pane, do any of the following:
    • Clear the checkboxes next to the stores you want to stop displaying the label in.
    • Select the checkboxes next to the stores you want to start displaying the label in.
  7. In the TRANSLATIONS pane, update the NAME for the needed locales.
  8. Click Save. This refreshes the page with a success message displayed.

Assign and deassign a product label from products

  1. Click the Products tab.

  2. In the Available products subtab, select the checkboxes next to the products you want to assign the label to.

  3. In the Assigned products subtab, clear the checkboxes next to the products you want to deassign the label from.

  4. Click Save

    The page refreshes with a success message displayed. The products you’ve assigned are displayed in the Assigned products subtab. The products you’ve deassigned are not displayed there.

Tips and tricks

  • When assigning a label to multiple products, it might be useful to switch to the Selected products to assign subtab to double-check your selection.
  • When deassigning a label from multiple products, it might be useful to switch to the Selected products to de-assign subtab to double-check your selection.

Reference information: Edit product labels

The following table describes the attributes you see, select, or enter while editing product labels.

NAME Unique identifier of the product label for the Back Office and Storefront. If you don’t specify a locale specific name, this name is used by default on the Storefront.
FRONT-END REFERENCE Defines the location and design of the product label. By default, the following designs are available: alternative, discontinued, top, new, sale.
PRIORITY Defines the order in which labels appear on a product card and product details page. The product label with the lowest number has the highest priority.
IS DYNAMIC Defines if this label is dynamic. Only developers can create dynamic product labels.
IS ACTIVE Defines if the label is displayed on the Storefront.
VALID FROM and VALID TO Inclusively defines the time period when the product label is displayed on the Storefront. If no dates are selected, the label is always displayed.
IS EXCLUSIVE Defines if this product label is to be exclusive. If an exclusive product label is applied to a product, all the other non-exclusive labels assigned to the product are not displayed on the product card.
STORE RELATION Stores in which a product label is displayed on the Storefront.
NAME in the TRANSLATIONS pane Locale specific names that are displayed on the Storefront in respective stores. If you don’t specify a locale specific name, the NAME from the GENERAL pane will be displayed.