Create categories

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To create a category in the Back Office, follow the steps below.

Define general settings of a category

  1. Go to Catalog > Categories.

  2. On the Category page, click Create category.

  3. On the Create category page, enter a CATEGORY KEY.

  4. For PARENT, select a parent category.

  5. Select one or more ADDITIONAL PARENTS.

  6. Select one or more STORES.

  7. Select a TEMPLATE.

  8. Optional: To activate the the category after creating, select ACTIVE.

  9. Optional: To show the category on the Storefront, select VISIBLE IN THE CATEGORY TREE.

  10. Optional: To make the category searchable on the Storefront, select ALLOW TO SEARCH FOR THIS CATEGORY.

  11. In the Translations section, enter a NAME for each locale.

  12. Optional: Enter any of the following for needed locales:

  13. Click Next and follow Add images to a category.

Reference information: Define general settings of a category

CATEGORY KEY Unique identifier of the category that is used for assigning products and CMS blocks to the categories through the import.
PARENT Defines under which category this category will be displayed on the Storefront.
ADDITIONAL PARENTS Defines under which categories, apart from the category defined in PARENT, the category will be displayed on the Storefront.
STORES Stores which the category will be displayed in.
TEMPLATE Defines how the category’s page will look on the Storefront. For more information, see Reference information: TEMPLATE
ACTIVE Defines if the category is to be displayed on the Storefront.
VISIBLE IN THE CATEGORY TREE Defines if the category is to be displayed in the category tree on the Storefront.
ALLOW TO SEARCH FOR THIS CATEGORY Defines if customers can find the category on the Storefront using search.
NAME Name that is displayed on the Storefront.

Add images to a category

  1. On the Images tab, do the following for the needed locales:
    1. Click Add image set.
    2. Enter an IMAGE SET NAME.
    3. Enter a SMALL IMAGE URL.
    4. Enter a LARGE IMAGE URL.
    5. Optional: Enter a SORT ORDER.
    6. Optional: To add one more image, click Add image.
    7. Repeat steps 3-6 until you add all the needed images.
    8. Optional: To add one more image set, click Add image set.
    9. Repeat steps 2-8 until you add all the needed image sets.
  2. Click Save.

This opens the Edit category page with a success message displayed.

Adding multiple images

You can add multiple image sets and multiple images to an image set. However, by default, in the Back Office and on the Storefront, multiple images are not displayed for categories. If there are multiple image sets or images for a category, the image displayed is defined as follows:

  • The image set going first or named default is displayed.
  • The image with the lowest SORT ORDER is displayed. If several images have the same SORT ORDER, the image going first is displayed.

Reference information: Add images to a category

IMAGE SET NAME Name of the image set for you to use in the Back Office.
SMALL IMAGE URL URL to the small version of the image. This image will be displayed when categories are sorted as a list.
LARGE IMAGE URL URL to the large version of the image. This image will be displayed when categories are sorted as a grid.
SORT ORDER When displayed together with other images, defines the order of images in an ascending order. The minimum value is 0.

Reference information: TEMPLATE

The following category templates are available by default:

Catalog (default) Displays the products in the category.

The Catalog(default) template on the Storefront


Catalog + CMS Slot Displays the products in the category and the content of the template’s CMS slots. To learn how to add content to the slots, see Best practices: Adding content to the Storefront pages using templates and slots.

The Catalog+CMS Block template on the Storefront

Catalog + Slots

Sub Categories grid Displays the subcategories of the category.

The Sub Category grid template on the Storefront

Sub Category grid

Next Steps

Assign product to categories