Create product attributes

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This doc describes how to create product attributes in the Back Office.

A new product usually needs a super attribute and a regular attribute. The super attribute is used to distinguish product variants and the regular attribute is used to define product characteristics.


Review the reference information before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.

Create a product attribute

  1. Go to Catalog > Attributes.
  2. On the Attributes page, click Create Product Attribute.
  3. On the Create a Product Attribute page, enter an ATTRIBUTE KEY.
  4. Select an INPUT TYPE.
  5. Optional: To make this attribute a supper attribute, select the SUPER ATTRIBUTE checkbox. This disables the ALLOW INPUT ANY VALUE OTHER THAN PREDEFINED ONES checkbox because a super attribute can have only predefined values.
  6. In the PREDEFINED VALUES field, enter a predefined value and press Enter.
  7. Repeat the previous step until you add all the needed predefined values.
  8. Optional: To allow adding the values that are different from the predefined ones, select ALLOW INPUT ANY VALUE OTHER THAN PREDEFINED ONES.
  9. Select Save. This opens the 2. Translations tab.
  10. In the 2. Translations tab, enter a TRANSLATION for each locale.
  11. Optional: To localize predefined parameter values, do the following:
    2. Enter a Translation for the predefined parameter values for all the locales.
  12. Click Save. This opens the View Product Attribute page with a success message displayed. Now you can use this attribute for creating abstract products.

Tips and tricks
To apply a translation to all the other locales, select copy to other languages icon Copy to other languages next to the TRANSLATION you want to apply.

Reference information: Create product attributes

ATTRIBUTE KEY Name that you will use when assigning the attribute to products. For example, color. Accepts lower case letters, digits, numbers, underscores, hyphens, and colons.
INPUT TYPE Defines the data format of the attribute’s values.
SUPER ATTRIBUTE Defines if the attribute is to be a super attribute. Super attributes distinguish product variants of an abstract product.
PREDEFINED VALUES Values that you will be selecting from when assigning the attribute to products. For example, if the attribute is color, the values can be red, green, black, etc.
ALLOW INPUT ANY VALUE OTHER THAN PREDEFINED ONES Defines if, when creating or updating products, you can enter custom values that are not defined in PREDEFINED VALUES.
TRANSLATION Translations for attribute keys and values per locale. These translations will be displayed on the Storefront.
TRANSLATE PREDEFINED VALUES Defines if predefined values are to be translated.

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