Migration guide - MerchantRelationshipProductListGui

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Upgrading from version 1.* to version 2.0.0

The main point of the MerchantRelationshipProductListGui v2.0.0 is the following: exclusive ownership for product lists was removed from the merchant relations.

So, MerchantRelationshipProductListGui currently provides plugins to extend the ProductListGui module with information about domain entities that use Product Lists (Merchant Relationships).

Here is the change list for the MerchantRelationshipProductListGui v2.0.0:

  • Added spryker/util-text module to dependencies.
  • Added spryker/merchant-relationship-product-list module to dependencies.
  • Introduced ProductListMerchantRelationshipEditFormExpanderPlugin and ProductListMerchantRelationshipCreateFormExpanderPlugin form expander plugins for the MerchantRelationshipGui module.
  • Introduced MerchantRelationshipProductListUsedByTableExpanderPlugin and MerchantRelationListProductListTopButtonsExpanderPlugin expander plugins for the ProductListGui module.
  • Added Zed translations for form elements and labels.
  • Deprecated MerchantRelationshipProductListOwnerTypeFormExpanderPlugin.
  • Deprecated MerchantRelationshipTableExpanderPlugin.

Estimated migration time: 1hour

To upgrade to the new version of the module, do the following:

  1. Update the MerchantRelationshipProductListGui module version and its dependencies by running the following command:
composer require spryker/merchant-relationship-product-list-gui:"^2.0.0" --update-with-dependencies
  1. Update transfer objects:
console transfer:generate
  1. Generate translator cache by running the following command to get the latest Zed translations:
console translator:generate-cache