Add volume prices to abstract products and product bundles

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This document describes how to add volume prices to abstract products.


Add volume prices to an abstract product

  1. Go to Catalog > Products.
    This opens the Product page.
  2. Next to the product you want to add volume prices for, click Edit.
  3. On the Edit Product Abstract: {SKU} page, click the Price & Tax tab.
  4. Next to the store you want to add volume prices for, click Add Volume Price: {PRICE_TYPE}.
  5. On the Add volume prices for product: {SKU} page, enter a Quantity.
  6. For the quantity you have entered, enter a Gross price.
  7. Optional: For the quantity you have entered, enter a Net price.
  8. Optional: To add more volume prices than the number of the rows displayed on the page, select Save and add more rows.
  9. Repeat steps 4 to 7 until you add all the desired volume prices.
  10. Select Save and exit. This opens the Edit Product Abstract: {SKU} page with a success message displayed.

Reference information: Add volume prices to abstract products

Quantity Quantity of the product to which the prices from Gross price and Net price fields apply.
Gross price Gross price of the product with the quantity equal or bigger than defined in the Quantity field. A gross price is a price after tax.
Net price Net price of the product with the quantity equal or bigger than defined in the Quantity field. A net price is a price before tax.

Storefront example

Let’s say you have a product that you want to sell with a special price if a user wants to buy a specific number of the same product. For example, a Smartphone with flash memory of 16GB costs 25 Euros per item, but you defined that if a user buys three items, the price is 23 Euros instead of 25.

Volume prices