State machine console commands

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There are three console commands dedicated for the state machine:

state-machine:check-condition - checks all the states that have a condition without event and triggers them. state-machine:check-timeout - check timeout expired items and triggers event for them. state-machine:clear-locks - clears expired lock items. State machine triggers are encapsulated in lock, this lock is to prevent concurrent access to same item processing. Each lock has defined expiration time for 1 min. Sometimes lock cannot be released, (error in execution or premature termination). This commands does garbage collections and cleans all those locks. State machine event trigger sequence diagram

A low level sequence diagram of what happens when trigger method is being invoked.


State Machine Handler Interface


interface StateMachineHandlerInterface

     * List of command plugins for this state machine for all processes. Array key is identifier in SM XML file.
     * [
     *   'Command/Plugin' => new Command(),
     *   'Command/Plugin2' => new Command2(),
     * ]
     * @return \Spryker\Zed\StateMachine\Dependency\Plugin\CommandPluginInterface[]
    public function getCommandPlugins();

     * List of condition plugins for this state machine for all processes. Array key is identifier in SM XML file.
     *  [
     *   'Condition/Plugin' => new Condition(),
     *   'Condition/Plugin2' => new Condition2(),
     * ]
     * @return \Spryker\Zed\StateMachine\Dependency\Plugin\ConditionPluginInterface[]
    public function getConditionPlugins();

     * Name of state machine used by this handler.
     * @return string
    public function getStateMachineName();

     * List of active processes used for this state machine.
     * [
     *   'ProcessName',
     *   'ProcessName2 ,
     * ]
     * @return string[]
    public function getActiveProcesses();

     * Provide initial state name for item when state machine initialized. Using process name.
     * @param string $processName
     * @return string
    public function getInitialStateForProcess($processName);

     * This method is called when state of item was changed, client can create custom logic for example update it's related table with new stateId and processId.
     * StateMachineItemTransfer:identifier is id of entity from client.
     * @param \Generated\Shared\Transfer\StateMachineItemTransfer $stateMachineItemTransfer
     * @return bool
    public function itemStateUpdated(StateMachineItemTransfer $stateMachineItemTransfer);

     * This method should return all list of StateMachineItemTransfer, with (identifier, IdStateMachineProcess, IdItemState)
     * @param int[] $stateIds
     * @return \Generated\Shared\Transfer\StateMachineItemTransfer[]
    public function getStateMachineItemsByStateIds(array $stateIds = []);


Condition Plugin Interface

interface ConditionPluginInterface
     * This method is called when transition in SM xml file have concrete condition assigned.
     * @param \Generated\Shared\Transfer\StateMachineItemTransfer $stateMachineItemTransfer
     * @return bool
    public function check(StateMachineItemTransfer $stateMachineItemTransfer);


Command Plugin Interface

interface CommandPluginInterface

     * This method is called when event have concrete command assigned.
     * @param \Generated\Shared\Transfer\StateMachineItemTransfer $stateMachineItemTransfer
     * @return void
    public function run(StateMachineItemTransfer $stateMachineItemTransfer);
