Security release notes 202312.0

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The following information pertains to security-related issues that have been recently resolved. All issues are listed by description and affected modules.

If you need any additional support with this content, contact our support. If you found a new security vulnerability, inform us through

Insecure password reset workflow

The password reset functionality missed security-related controls that could lead to manipulation by attackers. The security flaws related to fixing this issue included the following:

  • Reusable password reset tokens: Upon successful completion of a password reset, the same link containing a token could be reused to reset the password again.
    Affected applications: BackOffice, Merchant Portal.
  • Extended expiration time for password reset tokens: The password reset token expiration time was too long.
    Affected applications: Storefront, Back Office, Merchant Portal.
  • No rate limiting the password reset attempts: It was possible to make an infinite number of attempts to reset any account using any email address.
    Affected applications: Storefront, Back Office, Merchant Portal.
  • Non-invalidation of old password reset tokens: When a new password reset was requested, old password reset tokens were not invalidated and could be reused.
    Affected applications: Back Office, Merchant Portal.
  • Insufficient length of password reset tokens: The password reset token, consisting of 8 characters, was too short to ensure robust security.
    Affected applications: Back Office, Merchant Portal.

Affected modules

  • spryker/customer: 1.0.0 - 7.52.0
  • spryker/security-gui: 1.0.0 - 1.4.0
  • spryker/security-merchant-portal-gui: 1.0.0 - 2.1.0
  • spryker/user-password-reset: 1.0.0 - 1.4.0
  • spryker-shop/customer-page: 1.0.0 - 2.48.0

Introduced changes

All the security-related flaws in the password reset functionality have been addressed.

How to get the fix

No support for security-related fixed in PHP 8.0.

PHP 8.0 does not receive security fixes anymore. For this reason, the support of PHP 8.0 was discontinued by Spryker. Newer versions of the modules now require PHP 8.1 instead of 8.0. To ignore the PHP version change, you can try to run composer with the --ignore-platform-reqs option. Most modules should still work with 8.0. Anyway, we discourage you from continuing to use PHP 8.0 and recommend updating at least to PHP 8.1.

  1. Update spryker/customer.
  • If your version of spryker/customer is earlier than or equal to 7.52.0, update to version 7.53.0:
composer require spryker/customer:"~7.53.0"
composer show spryker/customer # Verify the version
  • If your platform is based on PHP 8.0, you can use version 7.51.6 of the spryker/customer module:
composer require spryker/customer:"~7.51.6"
composer show spryker/customer # Verify the version
  1. Update spryker/security-gui.
  • If your version of spryker/security-gui is earlier than or equal to 1.4.0, update to version 1.5.0:
composer require spryker/security-gui:"~1.5.0"
composer show spryker/security-gui # Verify the version
  • If your platform is based on PHP 8.0, you can use version 1.3.1 of the security-gui module:
composer require spryker/security-gui:"~1.3.1"
composer show spryker/security-gui # Verify the version

In src/Pyz/Zed/SecurityGui/SecurityGuiConfig.php, enable the blocker. If the file does not exist yet, create it.

namespace Pyz\Zed\SecurityGui;

use Spryker\Zed\SecurityGui\SecurityGuiConfig as SprykerSecurityGuiConfig;

class SecurityGuiConfig extends SprykerSecurityGuiConfig
    // Add this line, set it to true
  1. Update spryker/security-merchant-portal-gui.
  • If your version of spryker/security-merchant-portal-gui is earlier than or equal to 2.1.0, update to version 2.2.0:
composer require spryker/security-merchant-portal-gui:"~2.2.0"
composer show spryker/security-merchant-portal-gui # Verify the version
  • If your platform is based on PHP 8.0, you can use version 2.1.1 of the security-merchant-portal-gui module:
composer require spryker/security-merchant-portal-gui:"~2.1.1"
composer show spryker/security-merchant-portal-gui # Verify the version

Depending on your project setup, you might need to upgrade those two modules as well:

composer require spryker/zed-gui:"^2.0.0"
composer require spryker/gui-table:"^2.0.0"
composer show spryker/zed-gui # Verify the version
composer show spryker/gui-table # Verify the version

In src/Pyz/Zed/SecurityMerchantPortalGui/SecurityMerchantPortalGuiConfig.php, add the following configuration. If the file does not exist yet, create it.

namespace Pyz\Zed\SecurityMerchantPortalGui;

use Spryker\Zed\SecurityMerchantPortalGui\SecurityMerchantPortalGuiConfig as SprykerSecurityMerchantPortalGui;

class SecurityMerchantPortalGuiConfig extends SprykerSecurityMerchantPortalGui
    // Add this line, set it to true

Depending on your project setup, you might need to run updates of additional modules!

Other modules that belong to the merchant context might require an update as well. But this is highly dependent on the actual project setup. Since we can’t predict every variation, be advised that there are likely to be additional dependencies requiring an update.

  1. Update spryker/user-password-reset.
  • If your version of spryker/user-password-reset is earlier than or equal to 1.4.0, update to version 1.5.0:
composer require spryker/user-password-reset:"~1.5.0"
composer show spryker/user-password-reset # Verify the version
  • If your platform is based on PHP 8.0, you can use version 1.4.1 of the user-password-reset module:
composer require spryker/user-password-reset:"~1.4.1"
composer show spryker/user-password-reset # Verify the version
  1. Update spryker-shop/customer-page.
  • If your version of spryker-shop/customer-page is earlier than or equal to 2.48.0, update to version 2.49.0:
composer require spryker-shop/customer-page:"~2.49.0"
composer show spryker-shop/customer-page # Verify the version
  • If your platform is based on PHP 8.0 you can use version 2.46.2 of the customer-page module:
composer require spryker-shop/customer-page:"~2.46.2"
composer show spryker-shop/customer-page # Verify the version

In src/Pyz/Yves/CustomerPage/CustomerPageConfig.php, enable the blocker. If the file does not exist yet, create it.

namespace Pyz\Yves\CustomerPage;

use Spryker\Yves\CustomerPage\CustomerPageConfig as SprykerCustomerPageConfig;

class CustomerPageConfig extends SprykerCustomerPageConfig
    // Add this line, set it to true
    protected const CUSTOMER_SECURITY_BLOCKER_ENABLED = true;

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) in permission system - B2B Storefront

The company role permissions configuration page allowed administrators to configure the enabled permissions for a selected role. The IDs of the actual permission and groups were passed as URL parameters. Thus, it was possible for attackers to trick authenticated administrators into changing the permissions of a role by exploiting the CSRF attack.

Affected modules

  • spryker-shop/company-page: 1.0.0 - 2.23.0

Introduced changes

The CSRF attack has been addressed by implementing security controls to prevent it.

How to get the fix

To implement the fix for this vulnerability, update the CompanyPage module as follows:

  1. Upgrade the spryker-shop/company-page module version to 2.24.0
composer require spryker-shop/company-page:"~2.24.0"
composer show spryker-shop/company-page # Verify the version

If your platform is based on PHP 8.0, you can use version 2.23.1 of the CompanyPage module:

composer require spryker-shop/company-page:"~2.23.1"
composer show spryker-shop/company-page # Verify the version
  1. In the CompanyPage/Theme/default/views/role-update/role-update.twig template, define the data properties:

{% define data = {
    companyRolePermissionAssignFormCloner: _view.companyRolePermissionAssignFormCloner,
    companyRolePermissionUnassignFormCloner: _view.companyRolePermissionUnassignFormCloner,
} %}

  1. Add these properties to the data config of the permission-table molecule:

{% include molecule('permission-table', 'CompanyPage') with {
    data: {
        companyRolePermissionAssignFormCloner: data.companyRolePermissionAssignFormCloner,
        companyRolePermissionUnassignFormCloner: data.companyRolePermissionUnassignFormCloner,
} only %}

  1. In the CompanyPage/Theme/default/components/molecules/permission-table/permission-table.twig template, define the data properties::

{% define data = {
    companyRolePermissionAssignFormCloner: null,
    companyRolePermissionUnassignFormCloner: null,
} %}

  1. Replace the static links currently used for assigning and unassigning company role permissions with the following Symfony forms:

// Form that is used for the company role permission unassignment

{% set companyRolePermissionUnassignForm = data.companyRolePermissionUnassignFormCloner.getForm.createView ?? null %}
{% set formAction = path('company/company-role-permission/unassign', {
    'id-permission': permission.idPermission,
    'id-company-role': data.idCompanyRole,
}) %}
{% set linkText = 'company.account.company_role.permission.unassign' | trans %}

{{ form_start(companyRolePermissionUnassignForm, { action: formAction }) }}
    <button class="link" data-init-single-click>{{ linkText }}</button>
{{ form_end(companyRolePermissionUnassignForm) }}
// Form that is used for the company role permission assignment

{% set companyRolePermissionAssignForm = data.companyRolePermissionAssignFormCloner.getForm.createView ?? null %}
{% set formAction = path('company/company-role-permission/assign', {
    'id-permission': permission.idPermission,
    'id-company-role': data.idCompanyRole,
}) %}
{% set linkText = 'company.account.company_role.permission.assign' | trans %}

{{ form_start(companyRolePermissionAssignForm, { action: formAction }) }}
    <button class="link" data-init-single-click>{{ linkText }}</button>
{{ form_end(companyRolePermissionAssignForm) }}

  1. Optional: If you are using the standard b2b/b2b-mp demo-shop design, apply the following approach:

{% set formAssign = data.companyRolePermissionAssignFormCloner.getForm.createView ?? null %}
{% set formUnassign = data.companyRolePermissionUnassignFormCloner.getForm.createView ?? null %}
{% set actionAssign = path('company/company-role-permission/assign', {
    'id-permission': permission.idPermission,
    'id-company-role': data.idCompanyRole,
}) %}
{% set actionUnassign = path('company/company-role-permission/unassign', {
    'id-permission': permission.idPermission,
    'id-company-role': data.idCompanyRole,
}) %}
{% set titleAssign = 'company.account.company_role.permission.assign' | trans %}
{% set titleUnassign = 'company.account.company_role.permission.unassign' | trans %}
{% set form = isAssigned ? formUnassign : formAssign %}
{% set formAction = isAssigned ? actionUnassign : actionAssign %}

{{ form_start(form, { action: formAction }) }}
    {% include atom('switch') with {
         modifiers: isAssigned ? ['active'] : [],
         config: {
             tag: 'button',
         attributes: {
             title: isAssigned ? titleUnassign : titleAssign,
    } only %}
{{ form_end(form) }}

Cross-site scripting vulnerability in Zed

It was possible to inject malicious code in the URL parameters of the drawing graph functionality, that would then be reflected to users being tricked to visit the malicious URL.

Affected modules

  • spryker/error-handler: 1.0.0 - 2.8.0

Introduced changes

The cross-site scripting vulnerability has been fixed for the error page messages.

How to get the fix

To implement the fix for this vulnerability, update the spryker/error-handler module:

composer update spryker/error-handler

Oauth Code flow uses the same token for different users

In certain cases the same token was assigned to different users.

Affected modules

  • spryker/oauth-code-flow: <0.1.1

Introduced changes

The vulnerability was fixed by generating a new token under any condition.

How to get the fix

To implement the fix for this vulnerability, update the spryker/oauth-code-flow module:

composer update spryker/oauth-code-flow

Token validation issue

Glue Backend API has no expiration validation for access tokens. There was no limitation on the number of tokens that could be requested by a certain user.

Affected modules

  • spryker/oauth-backend-api: 0.1.0 - 1.4.0

Introduced changes

All the security-related flaws in the access token functionality have been addressed. The token becomes invalid if it hasn’t been used for a certain period of time.

How to get the fix

To implement the fix for this vulnerability, do the following:

  1. Update spryker/oauth-backend-api.
  • If your version of spryker/oauth-backend-api is earlier than or equal to 1.4.0, update to version 1.5.0:
composer require spryker/oauth-backend-api:"~1.5.0"
composer show spryker/oauth-backend-api # Verify the version
  1. Register the plugin Spryker\Glue\OauthBackendApi\Plugin\GlueApplication\BackendApiAccessTokenValidatorPlugin in src/Pyz/Glue/GlueBackendApiApplication/GlueBackendApiApplicationDependencyProvider.php:

If you already use the plugin Spryker\Glue\OauthBackendApi\Plugin\AccessTokenValidatorPlugin in src/Pyz/Glue/GlueApplication/GlueApplicationDependencyProvider.php - get rid of it.

namespace Pyz\Glue\GlueBackendApiApplication;

use Spryker\Glue\GlueBackendApiApplication\GlueBackendApiApplicationDependencyProvider as SprykerGlueBackendApiApplicationDependencyProvider;
use Spryker\Glue\OauthBackendApi\Plugin\GlueApplication\BackendApiAccessTokenValidatorPlugin;

class GlueBackendApiApplicationDependencyProvider extends SprykerGlueBackendApiApplicationDependencyProvider
     * @return array<\Spryker\Glue\GlueBackendApiApplicationExtension\Dependency\Plugin\RequestValidatorPluginInterface>
    protected function getRequestValidatorPlugins(): array
        return [
            new BackendApiAccessTokenValidatorPlugin(),

Vulnerability in Babel third-party dependency

Babel third-party dependency was vulnerable to arbitrary code execution when compiling specifically crafted malicious code.

Affected modules

  • spryker-shop/date-time-configurator-page-example: 0.1.0 - 0.4.0

Introduced changes

Babel third-party dependency has been updated to a version that resolves this vulnerability.

How to get the fix

To implement the fix for this vulnerability, do the following:

  1. If module spryker-shop/date-time-configurator-page-example exists in the system, upgrade it to version 0.4.1:
composer require spryker-shop/date-time-configurator-page-example:"~0.4.1"
composer show spryker-shop/date-time-configurator-page-example # Verify the version
  1. If Docker/sdk is used, run the npm vulnerabilities fixing command and the project build:
docker/sdk cli npm audit fix
docker/sdk up --assets


npm audit fix && npm run yves && npm run zed
npm run mp:build (optional, only for the Marketplace setup)

Multiple vulnerabilities in npm third-party dependencies

Outdated npm dependencies introduced security vulnerabilities that could potentially be exploited by attackers.

Affected modules

  • spryker/chart: 1.0.0 - 1.4.0

Introduced changes

Affected third-party dependencies have been updated to resolve the security vulnerabilities.

How to get the fix

To implement the fix for this vulnerability, do the following:

  1. If module spryker/chart exists in the system, upgrade it to version 1.5.0:
composer require spryker/chart:"^1.5.0"
composer show spryker/chart # Verify the version
  1. Upgrade the npm dependencies in the root package.json file to the following versions or newer:
"@spryker/oryx-for-zed": "^3.1.0",
"webpack": "~5.88.2",
  1. Optional (only for the Marketplace setup): Upgrade the npm dependencies in the root package.json file to the following versions or newer:
"@angular-devkit/build-angular": "~15.2.9",
  1. If Docker/sdk is used, install the npm dependencies and build the project:
docker/sdk cli npm install
docker/sdk up --assets


npm install && npm run yves && npm run zed
npm run mp:build (optional, only for Marketplace setup)

Vulnerability in browserify-sign third-party dependency

Browserify-sign upper bound check issue in dsaVerify leads to a signature forgery attack.

Affected modules

  • spryker/chart: 1.0.0 - 1.5.0

Introduced changes

Affected third-party dependencies were updated to resolve the security vulnerabilities.

How to get the fix

To implement the fix for this vulnerability, do the following:

  1. If the spryker/chart module exists in the system, upgrade it to version 1.6.1:
composer require spryker/chart:"^1.6.1"
composer show spryker/chart # Verify the version
  1. In the root package.json, upgrade the npm dependency to version 3.3.0 or higher:
"@spryker/oryx-for-zed": "^3.3.0"
  1. Install the npm dependencies and build the project:
docker/sdk cli npm install
docker/sdk up --assets


npm install && npm run yves && npm run zed
npm run mp:build (optional, only for the Marketplace setup)