Security release notes 202304.0

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The following information pertains to security-related issues that have been recently resolved. All issues are listed by description and affected modules.

If you need any additional support with this content, contact our support. If you found a new security vulnerability, inform us through

SQL injection in the Propel module

An attacker can inject malicious code in functionalities of the Spryker application that are using the PropelFilterCriteria function. The injected code is then executed in the underlying database. The SQL injection vulnerability affects the Propel module that handles the interactions of the application with the database.

Affected modules

spryker/propel: 1.0.0-3.37.0

How to get the fix

If the version of spryker/propel module is 3.35.0 up to and including 3.37.0, update it to version 3.38.0:

composer require spryker/propel:"~3.38.0"
composer show spryker/propel # Verify the version

If the version of spryker/propel module is earlier than 3.35.0, update it to version 3.34.3:

composer require spryker/propel:"~3.34.3"
composer show spryker/propel # Verify the version

Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) in Marketplace

An attacker can inject malicious payloads into the merchant profile page in the Merchant portal that’s executed in the Back Office. This vulnerability lets an attacker execute code in the context of the Back Office user.

Affected modules

  • spryker/merchant-profile-merchant-portal-gui: 1.0.0-2.1.0
  • spryker/product-merchant-portal-gui: 1.0.0-3.3.1

How to get the fix

For the module spryker/product-merchant-portal-gui, depending on the version you are using, follow these steps:

  • If your version of spryker/product-merchant-portal-gui is earlier than 2.0.0, update to version 1.7.1:
composer require spryker/product-merchant-portal-gui:"~1.7.1" spryker/gui:"~3.48.0" spryker/util-sanitize-xss:"~1.1.0"
composer show spryker/product-merchant-portal-gui # Verify the version
  • If your version of spryker/product-merchant-portal-gui is 2.0.0 up to and including 3.0.0, update to version 2.15.1:
composer require spryker/product-merchant-portal-gui:"~2.15.1" spryker/gui:"~3.48.0" spryker/util-sanitize-xss:"~1.1.0"
composer show spryker/product-merchant-portal-gui # Verify the version
  • If your version of spryker/product-merchant-portal-gui is later than 3.0.0, update to version 3.3.2:
composer require spryker/product-merchant-portal-gui:"~3.3.2" spryker/gui:"~3.48.0" spryker/util-sanitize-xss:"~1.1.0"
composer show spryker/product-merchant-portal-gui # Verify the version

For module spryker/merchant-profile-merchant-portal-gui, depending on the version you are using, follow these steps:

  • If your version of spryker/merchant-profile-merchant-portal-gui is earlier than 2.0.0, update to version 1.8.0:
composer require spryker/merchant-profile-merchant-portal-gui:"1.8.0" spryker/gui:"~3.48.0" spryker/util-sanitize-xss:"~1.1.0"
composer show spryker/merchant-profile-merchant-portal-gui # Verify the version
  • If your version of spryker/merchant-profile-merchant-portal-gui is later than 2.0.0, update to version 2.2.0:
composer require spryker/merchant-profile-merchant-portal-gui:"~2.2.0" spryker/gui:"~3.48.0" spryker/util-sanitize-xss:"~1.1.0"
composer show spryker/merchant-profile-merchant-portal-gui # Verify the version

Self Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) in CMS

Administrators can place a malicious payload in Placeholders, which can be executed while trying to save, preview, or view the new page, resulting in an XSS vulnerability.

Affected modules

  • spryker/cms: 1.0.0-7.11.2
  • spryker/cms-block-gui: 1.0.0-2.9.0
  • spryker/cms-gui: 5.6.1-5.10.1
  • spryker/merchant-profile-gui: 1.0.0-1.0.1
  • spryker/product-merchant-portal-gui: 1.0.0-3.1.0
  • spryker/user-merchant-portal-gui: 1.0.0-2.2.0
  • spryker-feature/cms: 2018.11.0-202212.0
  • spryker-feature/marketplace-merchant-custom-prices: 202204.0-202212.0
  • spryker-feature/marketplace-merchantportal-core: 202108.0-202212.0

How to get the fix

For the affected modules, follow these steps:

  1. Upgrade the spryker/cms module version to 7.12.0:
composer require spryker/cms:"~7.12.0"
composer show spryker/cms # Verify the version
  1. Update spryker/cms-block-gui:

    • If your version of spryker/cms-block-gui is earlier than 2.0.0, update it to version 2.10.0:
    composer require spryker/cms-block-gui:"~2.10.0"
    composer show spryker/cms-block-gui # Verify the version

    The latest release of version 1.0 was in February, 2018. The version is outdated and no longer supported. To update from 1.* to 2.*, see Upgrade the CmsBlockGui module.

    • If your version of spryker/cms-block-gui is later than 2.0.0 but earlier than 2.10.0, update it to version 2.10.0:
    composer require spryker/cms-block-gui:"~2.10.0"
    composer show spryker/cms-block-gui # Verify the version
  2. Upgrade spryker/cms-gui module version to 5.11.0:

composer require spryker/cms-gui:"~5.11.0"
composer show spryker/cms-gui # Verify the version
  1. Upgrade spryker/merchant-profile-gui module version to 1.1.0:
composer require spryker/merchant-profile-gui:"~1.1.0"
composer show spryker/merchant-profile-gui # Verify the version
  1. Update spryker/product-merchant-portal-gui:

    • If your version of spryker/product-merchant-portal-gui is earlier than 2.0.0, update to version 1.7.0:
    composer require spryker/product-merchant-portal-gui:"~1.7.0"
    composer show spryker/product-merchant-portal-gui # Verify the version
    • If your version of spryker/product-merchant-portal-gui is 2.0.0 up to and including 3.0.0, update to version 2.15.0:
    composer require spryker/product-merchant-portal-gui:"~2.15.0"
    composer show spryker/product-merchant-portal-gui # Verify the version
    • If your version of spryker/product-merchant-portal-gui is later than 3.0.0, update to version 3.2.0:
    composer require spryker/product-merchant-portal-gui:"~3.2.0"
    composer show spryker/product-merchant-portal-gui # Verify the version
  2. Update spryker/user-merchant-portal-gui:

    • If your version of spryker/user-merchant-portal-gui is earlier than 2.0.0, update to version 1.11.0:
    composer require spryker/user-merchant-portal-gui:"~1.11.0"
    composer show spryker/user-merchant-portal-gui # Verify the version
    • If your version of spryker/user-merchant-portal-gui is later than 2.0.0, update to version 2.3.0:
    composer require spryker/user-merchant-portal-gui:"~2.3.0"
    composer show spryker/user-merchant-portal-gui # Verify the version

Temporary Denial of Service (DoS) in Back Office

An attacker can cause a temporary denial of service in the Back Office application by inserting very large data while generating vouchers on the Merchandising page.

Affected modules

  • spryker/discount: <=9.29.0
  • spryker-feature/promotions-discounts: <=202212.0
  • spryker-feature/marketplace-promotions-discounts: <=202212.0

How to get the fix

Update the affected module spryker/discount to version 9.30.0

composer require spryker/discount:"~9.30.0"
composer show spryker/discount # Verify the version

User session remains valid after deletion in the Back Office

The user’s session remains valid, even if the user is deleted in the Back Office. This results in the deleted user getting an exception page with stack trace information while trying to log in to the Storefront.

Affected modules

  • spryker/customer: <7.49.0
  • spryker/customer-storage: <1.0.0
  • spryker/oauth: <2.8.0
  • spryker/oauth-customer-validation: <1.0.0
  • spryker/oauth-extension: <1.8.0
  • spryker-shop/customer-validation-page: <1.0.0
  • spryker-feature/customer-account-management: <202212.0

How to get the fix

To apply the fix, follow these steps:

  1. Install or update the required modules:
composer require "spryker/customer":"^7.49.0" "spryker/customer-storage":"^1.0.0" "spryker/oauth":"^2.8.0" "spryker/oauth-customer-validation":"^1.0.0" "spryker/oauth-extension":"^1.8.0" "spryker-shop/customer-validation-page":"^1.0.0"
  1. Set up database schema and transfer objects:

    1. Edit the src/Pyz/Zed/Customer/Persistence/Propel/Schema/spy_customer.schema.xml file
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <database xmlns="spryker:schema-01" xmlns:xsi="" name="zed" xsi:schemaLocation="spryker:schema-01" namespace="Orm\Zed\Customer\Persistence" package="src.Orm.Zed.Customer.Persistence">
        <table name="spy_customer">
            <behavior name="event">
                <parameter name="spy_customer_anonymized_at" column="anonymized_at"/>
                <parameter name="spy_customer_password" column="password"/>
    1. Run the following commands:
    console transfer:generate
    console propel:install
    console transfer:generate
  2. To integrate the ValidateInvalidatedCustomerAccessTokenValidator plugin, edit the src/Pyz/Client/Oauth/OauthDependencyProvider.php file:

use Spryker\Client\OauthCustomerValidation\Plugin\Oauth\ValidateInvalidatedCustomerAccessTokenValidatorPlugin;

class OauthDependencyProvider extends SprykerOauthDependencyProvider

     * @return array<\Spryker\Client\OauthExtension\Dependency\Plugin\AccessTokenValidatorPluginInterface>
    protected function getAccessTokenValidatorPlugins(): array
        return [
            new ValidateInvalidatedCustomerAccessTokenValidatorPlugin(),
  1. To adjust RabbitMqConfig, edit the src/Pyz/Client/RabbitMq/RabbitMqConfig.php file:

use Spryker\Shared\CustomerStorage\CustomerStorageConfig;

class RabbitMqConfig extends SprykerRabbitMqConfig

     * @return array<mixed>
    protected function getPublishQueueConfiguration(): array
        return [

     * @return array<mixed>
    protected function getSynchronizationQueueConfiguration(): array
        return [

  1. To integrate the LogoutInvalidatedCustomerFilterControllerEventHandler plugin, edit the src/Pyz/Yves/ShopApplication/ShopApplicationDependencyProvider.php file:

use SprykerShop\Yves\CustomerValidationPage\Plugin\ShopApplication\LogoutInvalidatedCustomerFilterControllerEventHandlerPlugin;

class ShopApplicationDependencyProvider extends SprykerShopApplicationDependencyProvider

     * @return array<\SprykerShop\Yves\ShopApplicationExtension\Dependency\Plugin\FilterControllerEventHandlerPluginInterface>
    protected function getFilterControllerEventSubscriberPlugins(): array
        return [
            new LogoutInvalidatedCustomerFilterControllerEventHandlerPlugin(),

  1. To integrate the DeleteExpiredCustomerInvalidatedRecordsConsole command, edit the src/Pyz/Zed/Console/ConsoleDependencyProvider.php file:

use Spryker\Zed\CustomerStorage\Communication\Console\DeleteExpiredCustomerInvalidatedRecordsConsole;

class ConsoleDependencyProvider extends SprykerConsoleDependencyProvider

     * @param \Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Container $container
     * @return array<\Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command>
    protected function getConsoleCommands(Container $container): array
        $commands = [
            new DeleteExpiredCustomerInvalidatedRecordsConsole(),


  1. To adjust Jenkins cronjobs, edit the config/Zed/cronjobs/jenkins.php file:
/* Customer */
$jobs[] = [
    'name' => 'delete-expired-customer-invalidated',
    'command' => '$PHP_BIN vendor/bin/console customer:delete-expired-customer-invalidated',
    'schedule' => '0 0 * * 0',
    'enable' => true,
    'stores' => $allStores,
  1. To integrate the CustomerInvalidatedWritePublisher plugin, edit the src/Pyz/Zed/Publisher/PublisherDependencyProvider.php file:

use Spryker\Zed\CustomerStorage\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\Customer\CustomerInvalidatedWritePublisherPlugin;

class PublisherDependencyProvider extends SprykerPublisherDependencyProvider

     * @return array<int, \Spryker\Zed\PublisherExtension\Dependency\Plugin\PublisherPluginInterface>
    protected function getCustomerStoragePlugins(): array
        return [
            new CustomerInvalidatedWritePublisherPlugin(),
  1. To integrate the CustomerStorageConfig values, edit the src/Pyz/Zed/Queue/QueueDependencyProvider.php file:
use Spryker\Shared\CustomerStorage\CustomerStorageConfig;

class QueueDependencyProvider extends SprykerDependencyProvider
     * @param \Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Container $container
     * @return array<\Spryker\Zed\Queue\Dependency\Plugin\QueueMessageProcessorPluginInterface>
    protected function getProcessorMessagePlugins(Container $container): array
        return [
            CustomerStorageConfig::PUBLISH_CUSTOMER_INVALIDATED => new EventQueueMessageProcessorPlugin(),
            CustomerStorageConfig::CUSTOMER_INVALIDATED_SYNC_STORAGE_QUEUE => new SynchronizationStorageQueueMessageProcessorPlugin(),
  1. To integrate the CustomerInvalidatedStorageSynchronizationData plugin, edit the src/Pyz/Zed/Synchronization/SynchronizationDependencyProvider.php file:
use Spryker\Zed\CustomerStorage\Communication\Plugin\Synchronization\CustomerInvalidatedStorageSynchronizationDataPlugin;

class SynchronizationDependencyProvider extends SprykerSynchronizationDependencyProvider
     * @return array<\Spryker\Zed\SynchronizationExtension\Dependency\Plugin\SynchronizationDataPluginInterface>
    protected function getSynchronizationDataPlugins(): array
        return [
            new CustomerInvalidatedStorageSynchronizationDataPlugin(),

Outdated jQuery in use

In this case, an outdated version of jQuery was used (3.5.1). This version was released on 4 May, 2020 and affected by publicly known vulnerabilities.


Updated JQuery to the required version 3.6.3.

Affected modules

  • spryker/gui: < 3.49.0
  • spryker/util-sanitize-xss: < 1.1.0

How to get the fix

  1. Update the affected module spryker/gui to version 3.49.0:
composer require spryker/gui:"~3.49.0"
composer show spryker/gui # Verify the version
  1. Update the affected module spryker/util-sanitize-xss to version 1.1.0:
composer require spryker/util-sanitize-xss:"~1.1.0"
composer show spryker/util-sanitize-xss # Verify the version
  1. In the package.json file, modify the version of the JQuery package to 3.6.3:

    1. Add the following line:
    "jquery": "~3.6.3"
    1. In the same directory, run the following command:
    npm install

Vulnerable version of PHP in use

In PHP versions 7.4.x and earlier than 7.4.28, 8.0.x and earlier than 8.0.16, 8.1.x and earlier than 8.1.3, when using filter functions with the FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT filter and minimum and maximum limits, if the filter fails, you may trigger the use of allocated memory after free memory, which can result in crashes, and potentially in overwriting of other memory chunks and RCE. This issue affects code that uses FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT with minimum and maximum limits.

Affected modules


How to get the fix

Update the deploy file to use these tag and redeploy image:

// PHP 8.1
   tag: spryker/php:8.1 or spryker/php:8.1-alpine3.16

// PHP 8.0
   tag: spryker/php:8.0 or spryker/php:8.0-alpine3.16